Most people think that family involvement is parents coming to various school related activities, school scheduled conferences, and a select few other school lead functions. This idea is common practice among schools in the United States. Those are great strategies to use, but they are just that, STRATEGIES. Family involvement consists of so much more, and I want to share a few ways parents/families can effectively become involved in a child's education.
I have placed family involvement into two categories (Privately and Publicly). Although they are two different forms of involvement, in my opinion, one is no better than the other. They all have the same common goal (increase student achievement). There are many factors that contribute to parent involvement (Trends or popularity, the students' grade levels, cultural differences, educational level of the parent, socioeconomic status, and generational attributes). No one strategy can cover all these areas, so an accumulation of eclectic strategies is what is needed to ensure effective family involvement.
In this article, we won't cover all the strategies, but we will discuss some general ways parents can be effectively involved in their child's education.
Parent Involvement Activities at School
Make appointments and attend parent/teacher conferences as needed to discuss your child's progress and concerns. I recommend attending at least three conferences each school year (October, February and May). Being proactive in communicating with your child's teacher is not only something that benefits your child,but it gives their teacher an understanding of your goals and expectations and a peace of mind that you are active in your child's educational process.
Attend conferences with open and honest information and feedback about your child. Also ask questions to see if certain behaviors are common at home and school. This will help in preventing or being prepared for difficult or unpleasant situations that may arise at school.
Share your family's practices, values and structure with your child's teachers. This will help them to understand various behaviors and reactions your child may have to rules and regulations in the school setting. If you have to work evenings and your 6th grader is responsible for taking care of younger siblings, this helps the teacher understand any mature behaviors your child may exhibit. Understanding these behaviors help teachers and school personnel develop strategies to approach various situations that may occur.
Attend school meetings on learning expectations and help teachers set learning and behavioral goals that will improve your child's academic achievement.The more involved you are the more your child will benefit.
Let teachers know your availability to help with various school functions and how/when is the best time/mode of communication for you. There's nothing more frustrating for educators than to not be able to contact their students' parents when they need them. Also enlist the help of family members to assist you in sending and receiving messages. My oldest daughter is my second contact if the school can't get my husband or me.
Parent Involvement Activities at Home
Understand and reinforce school rules and expectations at home. This can be done by reviewing their student handbook with them at home. You can also request a copy of classroom rules and expectations from your child's teacher and discuss them with your child.
Talk with your child's teacher on various learning activities you can do at home with them. You don't have to be an English Professor or Mathematician to help. Working on basic reading and math skills with your child can go a long way to help their teacher.
Set up a designated study area where they can have a place to focus on academics. Hummmm that sounds like another Blog post!! This allows your child to be able to concentrate without all the distractions of television, phones, video games and anything else that can get in the way of that structured time.
Create structure and consistency in your home. Structure and consistency is KEY to the academic success of your child. Without it, they may be set up to fail.
If you can't be available to assist as needed, GET HELP from family, friends or an outside source. It's okay if you struggle in this area and need help. Help is available. Go to Exceptional Tutoring And Academic Coaching Service to schedule a consultation and get the help needed to assist your child! I Got You; I Promise!
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